The Versatile Blogger Award!

Massive thanks goes to Ella Dour for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award.

It is quite humbling to have someone nominate my blog, particularly as it is a fairly new venture in my life!

The simple rules for the Award are as follows:

Write 7 interesting facts about yourself

Nominate up to 10 blogs of your choice

Let people know you have nominated them

7 interesting facts

1. I love my job. It’s challenging, stressful and at times makes me want to pull my hair out. But all in all, I love what I do.

2. I hate getting my hair cut. I find it boring and a waste of time. I see it as a chore like dusting or hoovering. Frustrating but a needs must.

3. I have said this already in another post but, I still sleep with a cuddly toy in my bed. I have no shame.

4. If I could have any type of dog it would be a Golden Retriever. They are so beautiful.

5. I buy my jeans from only one shop. Burtons.

6. I am not good with technology. I find it frustrating and confusing and I just don’t care enough to learn how to use things.

7. Most of my friends are women. I just tend to connect with women better than men. However, I am incredibly close to the men I have in my life and they are men I aspire to be like.


Okay, so I failed miserably on the nomination front… I don’t follow many blogs at the moment because I am still struggling to find ones that are active, interesting and, ironically, versatile!

I suggest you check out the blogs I have listed and hopefully you will find something that interests you!

Finding blogs – How and where?!

I have been blogging now for a little over a week since the introduction of my new iPad (I’m still working out how to use it, to the despair of my partner!)

Part of blogging was to have the opportunity to connect with other likeminded people. This is proving to be a challenge (and not because I don’t know how to use the search function!)

The thing is, I am feeling a bit stuck… where do you start with finding those who aren’t blogging about makeup or advertising their business?

I want to connect with and a find a community of people who talk about life. The daily occurrences that make you laugh or cry or wonder. Those little things we notice and the experiences which make us human. The trials and tribulations of just being a person.

Can anyone point me in the right direction or give some advice on finding these types of blogs?

A little insight

I am a brother, a son, a grandson, a partner

I am a gamer, a reader of books, a watcher of documentaries

I am a university graduate, a learner of new things, a youth worker

I am a person who enjoys the sun, the sea, the sky and the trees. The space around us.

I am a wasp hater, a dog lover, a baby animal cuddler

I am a Harry Potter enthusiast, a Build A Bear owner, a Lego liker

I am a person who thinks deeply about identity, society and community

I am a gay man. A man who just happens to be attracted to other men.

I am a man with a trans history. A man who just happens to have been born different to the usual man.

I am all of these things and more. Through time, we can wander together through my most exciting, most inane and most challenging thoughts, feelings and experiences.

I wish you luck!

Introducing the Weary Wanderer

An ‘About me’ blog post seems to be apt, however much it fills me with dread, particularly with this being an anonymous blog…

But hey… here goes…

I am a twenty something year old man working in the South of England. I’m a Youth Worker by trade but in the last few years my role has expanded to include Project Management. A role which I both relish and resent in equal measures.

I also happen to be gay and have a trans history. These are small parts of myself but as I write blog posts I imagine both will come up at times.

I think a lot… I tend to have ideas, theories and debates flailing around in my head the majority of the time. So, I thought it was time to get these thoughts out and attempt to make sense of them, whilst sharing with those who may be remotely interested in the inner workings of my brain!

I don’t have any intention or clear idea as to what kind of things this blog will cover and it may end up being a bit of a brain splurge, hopefully in some kind of readable format!

My hope is that someone, somewhere in the world, will read something I write and connect with it or relate to it on some level.

Blogging is an area new to me and will, I imagine, be a learning curve for me on a personal and emotional level, but also practically in terms of working out how to actually use WordPress!

So, to you reader, a very big welcome to my blog and I hope it provides entertainment, food for thought and a little insight into the weary wanderings of my life!